Beginning the Adventure of Homeschooling

Join Us on May 28th for an Introduction to Convention and a Basic How to Begin with Yvonne Bunn from 7:00-8:30pm –  Moore Expressions welcomes Yvonne Bunn from Home Educators Association of Virginia as our guest speaker.  She will be presenting an introduction...

Homeschooling Support Groups and Co-Ops

Updated 5/01/2024 If your Support Group would like to have a listing on this page, send us an email: In the subject line, please put “Support Group Listing” National Organizations: Homeschool Central – Home...

Life of Fred – Used by Homeschoolers

Sometimes when we are homeschooling, math can be a struggle.  Have you ever wanted to try a different approach to math?  We have the approach for you . . .  try the Life of Fred Elementary Series.   We are running a special on the 10 books in the Elementary Series. ...

Always Amazing

Each day is a fresh new start, and each day is always amazing.  We love watching children learn and discover things that they didn’t know before.  How amazing is it when then finally read their first book, solve a math problem they were struggling with or learn...

Homeschooling 101

Homeschooling is an adventure, not only for your child; but also for you as the parent. Moore Expressions will be happy to answer any of your homeschooling questions. One of the first things to remember before homeschooling is to do your homework. Research everything before you decide on what is the best option for you and your children.

Something New and Exciting

Hello! Welcome to our new website.  We hope you find it helpful.  You will notice that there is no shopping cart.  This is because we want you to contact us so we can be your personal shoppers.  After all, only half of what we carried was on the old website.  So, if...